Chapter 13. A Sister’s Promise

  1. Ram said the luck came from inside the person. Explain what he meant. What Ram means is that luck does not exist, lucky creates the person,  luck is within each.. Luck appears  whenever you have struggled to achieve your goals and provided they have worked to realize your dreams.  But luck does not come by magic, luck does not exist if not constantly struggles.
  2. Does the story have a happy end? Explain your answer. The story finally ended really  fine because Ram wins a million rupees. The protagonist, is found again after so long with her friend Gudiya. Moreover Salim is an actor. Prem Kumar dies,  and Ram just marrying Nita. After much struggle and much perseverance by Ram, it ends up being a really happy and nice story.


fights: baralles
robber :lladre
cheating :trampa
himself :a si mateix
dearest :estimada
slowly : a poc a poc
throw up:tirar
heads :caps
coin :moneda