Chapter 01. Cheat!

  1. Why was Ram surprised to see Smita?  Ram was surprised when  Smita told it was his lawyer, since he had not seen before,  Ram was worried because he could not afford a lawyer. Smita  defended to Ram.
  2. In your opinion, who sent Smita? How did she know about his arrest?In my opinion, I think Smita  saw Ram competing in the TV show and she hoped that he really knew all questions. I think the program arrested Ram  because almost no one had before achieved guess all questions and did not have the money promised prize. Smita guess that’s why i distrusted in the program decided to defend Ram.


VOCABULARY slumdog-millionaire-2-650x370

pain :dolor
hanging :penjant
wooden : de fusta
drowned: ofegat
lawyer :advocat
cheat :enganyar
hitting :colpejar
earlier : més d’hora
hurries :s’afanya
fainted :desmaiat
truth :veritat
trust :confiança
tails :frac
throw :llençar
coin :monerda
guessed :Endevinat